
Easton Emergency Squad is committed to serving the following communities: the City of Easton, the Borough of Glendon and Williams Township. We also serve major Easton attractions, including the Crayola Factory, and numerous well-attended events, including Bacon Fest, Garlic Fest, the annual Easton - Phillipsburg Thanksgiving football game and Heritage Day.


In 2023, Easton Emergency Squad responded to a total of 4,854 emergency calls.


As of December 1st 2024 we have responded to a total of 4,052 Emergency Calls.


If you would like more information, please contact our business office (contact information on business tab).


Contact Us

Easton Emergency Squad
908 Packer St
Easton, PA  18042


Phone: 610-258-2866 610-258-2866



Or use our contact form.

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© Easton Emergency Squad